Many business owners know that Houston video surveillance increases security for their staff and building. However, there are some other key benefits of installing security cameras as part of your Houston office security systems. For example, video cameras can reduce your operating costs and reduce risks and liabilities for your company. Therefore, consider video cameras for your small business.
Houston Video Surveillance May Improve Your Operating Costs
Maintaining your business insurance policy is part of your company’s overhead costs. However, did you know that using Houston video surveillance may reduce your insurance rates? Business video systems help reduce the liability for both you and your insurance company. Therefore, in many cases you can negotiate a lower insurance premium for the same coverage if you invest in business surveillance systems for your company.
Also, cameras are a great way to enhance your productivity. First, you can easily check in on your staff through your company’s CCTV. Houston video surveillance allows you to ensure that your employees are working efficiently and that your business is functioning properly, even if you aren’t physically there. Additionally, employees are more likely to be productive if they know that they are on camera. Therefore, you can reduce the amount of time spent on activities that aren’t making your business money.
CCTV Houston Office Security Systems Help Reduce Risks
In addition, Houston video surveillance can reduce the risk of employee theft. While you likely trust your staff, the U.S. Department of Commerce concludes that 75% of employees steal from their employers. This is a huge number that is hard to ignore. With the right Houston office security systems and cameras, you can deter employee theft. Should one of your employees choose to steal, cameras also help you catch them in the act and recovery your property. Therefore, Houston video surveillance can help you cut down on employee theft and encourage your staff to be honest.
Another, perhaps more concerning, form of theft is fake injury. Unfortunately, you may have employees who are tempted to fake an injury on the job to receive compensation from your company. With Houston video surveillance, you can easily detect these manipulation tactics and save yourself from liability. Business cameras can provide you with hard evidence when an employee reports an incident on the job. Therefore, video surveillance can help keep your business safe from many types of situations.
At Securecomm, we provide customized security solutions for your business. We specialize in creating technologically advanced systems that help keep your business safe. Whether you need security cameras, mass notification systems, or Houston automatic barrier gates, our professionals can help you determine the best types of systems for your needs. Call us today at (281) 290-8383 for more information or to schedule a free system demonstration at our office. We are here to serve you.