High profile cases of gun violence in the media have forced business owners to take a hard look at security, and even small businesses are examining the threat of violence within the workplace. Events like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Washington Navy Yard shooting have highlighted a variety of potential safety hurdles.
Security experts agree that preparation provides the greatest deterrent to gun violence and other forms of violence in the workplace. With the helpful tips listed below, you can keep your business safe and secure from gun violence.
Know Your Location
Every state has its own guns laws, and every state has its own gun violence statistics. Do you live in a state that requires a permit to purchase a firearm? Does your state allow concealed carry or open carry of a firearm? Does your state strictly enforce its existing laws? Knowing the laws can help you prepare for a workplace incident, and knowing the statistics can help analyze the local risks that your business is facing.
For information on the states with the most gun violence, visit 247WallSt.com
Invest in a Quality Security System
Business security systems can prevent theft, vandalism, and other nonviolent crimes, but a good security system can also thwart gun violence in the workplace. Depending on the services you choose, cameras, alarms, and other security measures can help deter criminals. Even if a criminal is not deterred, the early warning provided by office security systems can save the lives of employees and clients.
Have an Appropriate Access Control System
Your business might have a very friendly open door policy, but restricting the ability to enter your business with an access control system is a matter of safety. Requiring a key or some form of verification to enter the building or restricted areas of the building can minimize the likelihood that a violent person can easily access the property without being detected.
Do Not Neglect Lighting
A regular security camera is useless if the area is shrouded in darkness. A fully functioning system of interior and exterior lights is a major deterrent of criminal activity.
Practice All Safety Procedures
Having a lockdown procedure is not good enough if no one in the office knows how to implement it. You and all of your employees should practice the procedure until everyone is comfortable with each crucial step. Occasional drills and reminders can identify potential flaws or areas of poor communication.
Consult a Disaster Preparedness Team or Risk Management Firm
Most business owners are not criminal masterminds or even weapons experts. To prepare for the worst case scenario, consulting a team of experts is your best bet. These teams can evaluate your property to identify likely points of entry, potential hiding spots, and other areas that might not seem like an obvious danger to you. These experts can construct your initial lockdown plans and additional security procedures.
Do Not Procrastinate
Once the heat from the latest incident dies down in the media, it is easy for many business owners to forget that the danger of gun violence never disappears. Many smaller cases of workplace violence never make national headlines, but that does not make the tragedy any less real. When it comes to establishing security for your business, do not procrastinate.
No business owner wants to think about having a potential tragedy on their property, but appropriate preventative measures can keep you and your employees safe from gun violence.