Everyone knows the importance of keeping their home secure, but are you putting thought into making sure your business is protected as well? You do not have to look far to find an assortment of things that can bring your company to its knees. Frozen profits, a changing market, and a terrible economy are among the most potent. But do not forget about the basics of simple security. A break-in can endanger your employees, cause customers to believe your business location is not safe, and put your inventory and trade secrets at risk. If you have not invested in a good security system, you are playing Russian roulette with your livelihood.
Protecting Your Investment
You have probably noticed that crime statistics are going down in some areas. While that is an encouraging sign for the future of the country, it does not give you an excuse to let your guard down. At least some of that reduction in crime is due to advanced business security systems and an increased police presence. If you are not taking advantage of every tool available, your business could become an easy target for criminals.
Daytime Security
Unless you intend to populate your place of business with armed security guards, you will need to take technological steps to keep your location safe during business hours. Your employees and customers deserve that safety. Remember, those employees are your responsibility. If something should happen to them or your customers on the premises, you could easily be held liable for damages. With video surveillance, panic buttons, environmental monitoring, and other commercial security systems technology in place, you can do everything in your power to ensure that your business is safe during the day.
Nighttime Security
Your business is at its biggest risk after everyone goes home. This is when you have to go the extra mile when it comes to protecting your assets. Some businesses will install burglar bars and gates, but think about how that looks. It is a delicate balance you have to negotiate between protecting your company and scaring the public. Instead of investing money in bars and security gates, leave the rest to technology. Motion sensors, cameras, and alarms are but a sampling of what you can use to keep criminals out of your business. Best of all, these systems can be implemented without creating panic among your customers and employees.
Access Control
Unfortunately, some of the biggest security threats to any company come from the inside. Whether you are interested in protecting the files in the back or the inventory itself, you can strengthen inside loss prevention by only allowing access to those who really need it. In other words, do all of your employees need the key to the front door? Do all of them need to know the security code? Take some of the unnecessary risk out of the equation by picking a few trusted employees and giving them the access control they need to carry out their responsibilities. Putting people on a “need to know basis” has become a Hollywood cliché, but it only makes good sense if you are serious about keeping your business secure.
The Complete Package
Some retailers and office managers choose to devise a piecemeal security plan, buying a camera here or implementing a keypad there. This is a poor way to go about it. If possible, find and office security systems company that can deliver a complete package. With a professionally designed and installed system you will have the security you need. So, who do you choose? Go with a company that has a reputation for excellence in the industry. Look for reviews online and check with similar companies to see who they have used. The more information you gather beforehand will help guarantee your satisfaction with the security solution you choose.