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security turnstileManaging the flow of vehicles and people in and around your facilities can help you maintain a higher degree of security for staff members, patrons, patients and customers alike. Securecomm Technologies, Inc. can provide you with traffic control solutions that can help you monitor the number of vehicles and people entering and leaving your premises and will provide opportunities for improved access control into your facilities.

Barrier Gates and Turnstiles

At Securecomm Technologies, Inc., we specialize in barrier gates and turnstiles for more effective crowd control in parking garages and public entrances. This can be a good addition to your Beaumont or Houston commercial security systems and can provide you with a more accurate information about traffic into and out of your business each day. We can install full-size or waist-high mechanical turnstiles to provide access control for parking garages, entry points and any other areas of your facility that require a little added security. Barrier gates are also useful for managing entrance and exit points to your parking facilities and can help you track who enters your building through these access points.

Traffic Burrier GatesBenefits of Barrier Gates and Turnstiles

Installing barrier gate and turnstile technologies can help you keep foot traffic and vehicle flow patterns under better control. By providing turnstiles and barrier gates, you can regulate the flow of people and cars both into and out of your facilities. These systems can also provide a natural bottleneck for spotting intruders and other individuals who might be wanted for questioning regarding their activities on your property.

Comprehensive Houston Industrial Security Systems

By incorporating turnstiles and barrier gates into your Houston business security systems, you can enjoy the most complete control over access to your facilities and buildings. These devices can work with your Houston access control systems to allow you to restrict access to certain areas of your healthcare facility, factory, manufacturing plant or other commercial enterprise. Monitoring and restricting access to your parking lots and structures can be a solid first step toward greater safety and security throughout your commercial premises.

Traffic Burrier GatesAt Securecomm Technologies, Inc., we take pride in offering you the most comprehensive Beaumont and Houston office security systems. We design and install Houston video surveillance options, intercom systems, sound reinforcement solutions, access control systems, security system monitoring and integrated interfaces that can provide you with added convenience and increased confidence in your Houston industrial security systems. Call us today at 281-290-8383 in Houston or Beaumont to discuss your current security needs with our trained and knowledgeable technicians. The entire team at Securecomm Technologies, Inc. is committed to providing you with the most advanced and comprehensive services in the Houston access control and security industry. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your company.